Jews And Terrorism

Jewish terrorism is a fact of life and death. So is our ignorance of it. The media use to control our knowledge, our opinions and our ignorance is a fact of life too. That is why Jews have infiltrated it. Zionists use their malign influence in many areas.
PS Judicial is an interesting source but needs careful checking before trusting.

A terrorism expose
The story here is a bunch of Jewish fanatics, posing as 'Animal Rights Activists', who ran  around Canada, and America, on a rampage of destruction. The police would catch them, and within days some high powered NY law firms had them out on bail. The nuts became 'Zorro' type heroes to the Brandeis, and Penn State crowd, filling their already paranoid psyches with dreams of anarchy.
This is an interesting story from an interesting source. Judicial might well be right but his sourcing is terrible again. See Sarah Harvey - One of  Six people arrested for terrorism and Craig Rosenbraugh Invokes Fifth Amendment. You might wonder where they got the expertise in arson and why they did not attack Jewish businesses.
PS FOX News fingers Chelsea Gerlach, Stanislas Meyerhoff, Josephine Sunshine Overaker and Rebecca J. Rubin.


The 1970 Sterling Hall Bombing
On August 24th, 1970, a stolen Ford Econoline van filled with close to 2,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate and topped off with jet fuel. It was parked in front of Sterling hall , at the University of Wisconsin campus in Madison, by four Jewish radicals. The terrorists were protesting the Vietnam War. One professor was killed and four students were injured.
Judicial Inc. fingers Jews but other sources are very thin on the ground. This is not to say that he is wrong. The Wikipedia does not disapprove. It is a Zionist operation.


Israel deliberately destroyed Arab archaeological sites
In July 1950, Majdal - today Ashkelon - was still a mixed town. About 3,000 Palestinians lived there in a closed, fenced-off ghetto, next to the recently arrived Jewish residents..... It also had religious importance: nearby, amid the ruins of ancient Ashkelon, stood Mash'had Nabi Hussein,...... But after July 1950, there was nothing left for them to visit: that's when the Israel Defense Forces blew up Mash'had Nabi Hussein.
Destroying a people's history and culture is part of destroying a people. It is being done systematically to Palestinians. It is also being done to the West by the media and the education industry. The source Intimate Enemies by Meron Benvenisti, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem. He is hardly likely to be anti-Jewish.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on  Wednesday, 18 July 2012 18:38:29