Jews and Black Slaving

We are told repeatedly that slave trading from Africa to America was a disgrace and that it was white men who did it. This has an element of truth but not very much. Accept that history is written by the victors or by the propagandists and you get nearer to the truth.

However The Jewish Origin of the Curse of Ham [ Interestingly, it is not available from Amazon ] was written by Tony Martin who is black and a descendant of the victims. His inclination is going to be finding the real perpetrators rather than those others point to.

Jews and Blacks [ which is available from Amazon ] was written as a refutation by Jonathan Schorsch who is a Jew. His agenda is blaming  others. It is a matter of  historical fact that Jews have been slave traders since Roman times if not earlier - see Jews and Slave Trading on the point. Jews are slaving to this day mainly for prostitution. Young women in the ruins of the Soviet empire suffer from poverty which makes them vulnerable to Jews who infest the area. See The Israeli Sex Slave Trade JEWS AND WHITE SLAVERY, Jews Outlawing Slavery or The Russian mob and human trafficking The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism ... by  David Goldenberg, another Jew was written for the same purpose.

Tony Martin in The Judaic Role in the Black Slave Trade tells us in detail that they are deliberately and systematically misleading their readers; that Messrs. Schorsch and Goldenberg are cunning liars perverting the truth about the Jewish contempt for back Africans. Source for the article was found at

Black Guilt
We did not start the slave trade in Africa. It was thriving long before we got near the place. Buying them from blacks and exporting them to somewhere nicer in America was major trading. Jews were heavily involved even if they did not have de facto monopolies. See The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews on the point. That was written by Tony Martin, a black man.

Alex Kurtagić, who wrote this article reads as fair minded. His reference are genuine.
George Orwell said:-
I am willing to believe that history is for the most part inaccurate and biased, but what is peculiar to our own age is the abandonment of the idea that history could be truthfully written. This article is counter-propaganda and counter=truth.


Jewish Origin of the Curse of Ham
by Tony Martin
"Tony Martin and Wellesley College. The Hon. Min Louis Farrakhan dealt extensively with the Jewish origins of the Curse of Ham (or "Hamitic Myth") in his ..."


Jews and Black Slavery
Tells us about Jews buying and selling blacks from the victim's perspective.


Jews and Blacks in the Early Modern World
by Jonathan Schorsch
"...superb..." Itinerario
"A work of immense scholarship and elegant writing--encyclopedic in scope." --Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies

Book Description
Going beyond inter-ethnic polemics, this book describes the ways Jews imagined and treated Blacks during the first three centuries of the Atlantic slave trade and European colonialism. Jonathan Schorsch uses many previously unexamined sources to reveal the scope of Jewish anti-Blackness in Portugal, the Ottoman Empire, Italy, Amsterdam and the Caribbean. His study concludes that Jewish attitudes and behavior remained barely distinguishable from general European trends, less intense, although hardly benign.


The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism ...
by  David Goldenberg
From Publishers Weekly

The Book of Genesis records an instance of Noah cursing his son Ham's descendants to be slaves. Although there is no biblical evidence that Ham was the "father" of African peoples, various Jewish, Christian and Islamic writers came to believe that he was, and their association helped to justify centuries of African enslavement. When did this interpretation creep in? In this sweeping and ambitious work, Goldenberg shows that early Jewish sources actually had positive or neutral associations for Africa and for Ethiopians (sometimes called "Kushites"), but that postbiblical writers such as Philo and Origen began associating "blackness" with darkness of the soul. Goldenberg's final chapters painstakingly trace the historical trajectories for "the curse of Ham" and "the curse of Cain" in Western thought through the 20th century. (Supporters of slavery thought that the "mark" that God put on Cain after he murdered Abel was black skin. The linguistic discussions in this book can be highly technical, but the research is meticulous and important.
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Updated  on  Wednesday, 12 September 2012 08:46:23